Department of Pediatrics
Division of Adolescent Medicine
The Adolescent Medicine Division sees patients from the preteen years through the early 20s and focuses on the interrelationship of growth, psychosexual development, and behavioral issues. The adolescent's ability to assume increasing health responsibility is stressed. Part of each visit includes seeing the adolescent alone in order to foster this independence and to respect the teen's need for privacy.
Patients may be referred for a consultation for a specific problem, including menstrual and other gynecologic problems, eating disorders, and recurrent chronic complaints.
For Consultative services
Child Health Institute of New Jersey
89 French Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Current programs
The Adolescent Medicine Program sees patients from the preteen years through the early 20s and focuses on the interrelationship of growth, psychosexual development and behavioral issues. The adolescent's ability to assume increasing health responsibility is stressed. Adolescents are seen alone, with parent(s) consulted when appropriate.
Patients may be referred for adolescent primary care, which includes checkups, acute or recurring problems, immunizations, etc. They may also be referred for a consultation for a specific problem, including menstrual and other gynecologic problems, behavioral problems, eating disorders and psychosomatic problems.
The Eating Disorders Program evaluates and follows adolescents and young adults with known or suspected anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or atypical eating disorder. Reasons for referral include abnormal weight loss; preoccupation with weight, calories, or body shape; excessive or obsessive exercise; poor growth; amenorrhea and marked anxiety about eating.
The initial visit includes a comprehensive history and physical exam by a physician and, unless already followed by a dietitian, a nutritional assessment by a dietitian. Follow-up visits are scheduled as needed. Referrals for counseling are made to community therapists.
The Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Program evaluates preadolescent patients for gynecologic problems such as vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, labial adhesions, possible genital anomalies, and persistent genitourinary symptoms (such as itching and dysuria). A patient receives a careful evaluation appropriate to the special nature of the problem and the young age of the patient. Coordination is provided with a gynecologist, when necessary.
Adolescents and young adults can be referred for a consultation or ongoing follow-up of gynecologic problems, including amenorrhea, irregular menses, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, contraceptive services, evaluation and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, evaluation for pregnancy, and breast disorders.
Unless otherwise indicated, evaluation and treatment are provided privately and confidentially. If surgery is indicated or if the patient requires a specialized diagnostic procedure (such as colposcopy), the patient may be referred to a gynecologist or surgeon.
Participating Providers (4)
Sari D. Bentsianov, MD | (732)235-7896 |
Michele Colin, MS, RD, CSP | (732) 235-7885 |
Anthony Deo, MD | (732) 235-5730 |
Daria Mintz, MS, RD, CSP | (732) 235-7885 |