Signature Spotlight
Leaders in Minimally Invasive Treatment of Vein Disease
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School's University Vein Center have been among those leading the way. In fact, the center's specialized treatment of patients with venous ulcerations is the basis of published management guidelines for optimal treatment of this condition.
The University Vein Center provides comprehensive evaluation and management for individuals with lower-extremity venous disease and leg swelling. The center's physicians are specialists in the field of venous surgery and are at the forefront of technology when it comes to treatment of varicose veins, leg fatigue, leg swelling, and leg ulcers. Read More
Robert Wood Johnson Partners
Robert Wood Johnson Partners (RWJP), a new accountable care organization (ACO), is a joint effort of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH); the Robert Wood Johnson Health System; and community physicians throughout central New Jersey. It was approved in January by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide services to Medicare beneficiaries.